Sunday, January 27, 2013

Perbedaan The Twilight saga dengan The vampire diaries (TVD)

1. Di Twilight vampir nggak bisa terkena matahari karena sebenarnya tubuh mereka berkilauan. Di TVD, vampirnya juga nggak bisa kena sinar matahari, tapi bukan karena tubuhnya berkilauan; vampir akan terbakar dengan sinar matahari, seperti mitos aslinya, tapi dengan cincin yang dbuat oleh penyihir mereka bisa jalan-jalan bebas...
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Saturday, January 26, 2013

the legend of the Cold Ones (the twilight saga)

Vampires (also called The Cold Ones) are the primary supernatural creatures of the Twilight universe. They are immortal beings who feed and survive on the blood of humans or animals.Vampires are one of the three known supernatural species in the Twilight series, with the others being the shape-shifters and the werewolves.The origin of...
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